What We Need

The needs of the Trust can be divided into two broad areas:

1. Ongoing Maintenance.

2. Projects


1. Maintenance

We need:

  • Outdoor paint (annual repainting of all the outbuildings, benches, arches, arbours, urns etc).  
  • Protective clothing  (to enable students to engage in studies in the best possible way).  
  • Planting (improvement of the planting & colour schemes, shrubs. 
  • Landscaping: (developing the architectural and sculptural interest for students & visitors). 
  • Technology: drone for garden filming; and such things as laptop computer.
  • Repairs: and replacements of such things as water pumps; garden equipment.
  • Books: There is always a need to continue to expand our library


2. Projects

The garden and its facilities provide a fertile environment for the improvement of our students. It is however not static and grows and improves year on year. This also provides enrichment for our visitors. Current projects you could support are:

  • Wildlife Woodland:  We need a bee hive; wildflower matting.
  • Students small pool:  this was dug by hand by the Founder It is helpful to enrich those who have difficulties (e.g. autism). It is also a small reward to our volunteering students. Since it was only fitted loosely with a pond liner it now needs to be properly equipped with a pool liner, filter and decking.
  • Solar Heating: Whilst we have considerably reduced our carbon footprint (e.g. l.e.d. lighting throughout; minimal use of electric tools, using water butts etc) we need to replace oil eating with solar.
  • Residential Students: Donations for food & accommodation for our foreign student/volunteers and internships: young people age 18-28 from all over the world who come in a spirit of international friendship and learning and also partake in the local community. They are from all backgrounds and cultures. Each student comes for one month. We would also like to hear form local host families who would like to have a student stay with them.
  • Transport: To enable our students to immerse in British culture and heritage during their stay here they need to travel. We need the means to take them on cultural trips under our supervision.

    We need sponsorship for a motor vehicle.


Contact Us

If you can help in anyway with any of the above then we look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to use the enquiry form below. Thank you.


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