
Welcome to our thank you and links page/section. There are three separate p[ages here. To go a page simply click on the title.

This is where we do three things:


Recognise our Sponsors who enable our work to continue/survive.

Ingenieur-und Planungsbüro LANGE Gbr

From 2018 to 2022 this company in Germany generously sponsored the Trust enabling some aspects of our charity work to continue.

It is an expert in landscape architecture/engineering and conservation arenas. such as Landscape architecture.  Biotop-management.

Environmental planning and studies. Urban development and open space planningLand restoration and landscaping.

Water development and hydraulic engineering. Create nationwide management plans for conservation & habitats  in line with Article 6 of the E.U. Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive. Mapping & action planning of:  habitat types, protected biotopes, flora and fauna.  Assessment of habitat types and species. Pipeline planning.

In addition they give young students the opportunity to work in the company for several weeks to get a better understanding of what this type of job is all about.

I am grateful to Wolfgang Kerstan whose past support enabled several important projects to take place at the Trust and ensured many students from several countries could come here and study and interact with the local community.



Pay tribute to specific individuals or organisations who have been of  help and support.

These at present are:

(i) Simon Kerstan.

(ii) The Bowood Estate.

(iii) Richard Boyd.

(iv) my Trustees.

(v) Past student volunteers who remain in regular contact with me, and also send feedback on their progress in life for the Trust Quarterly Magazine.



In future this section will contain links/information to a limited number of NGOs or organisations.