

As part of its Mission and charity provision to advance education in the fields of  horticulture and conservation the Trust makes videos for public education. These are published on the Trust's own YouTube Channel which is publicly viewable without restriction.


All videos are made by the Trust 'in-house' and do not have any outside influence, finance or constraint. All videos abide by  the Trust's ethos regarding non-discrimination,  human and animal rights, rights, and non-political affiliation.

Our YouTube Channel

The current publicly available videos by the Trust can be viewed at:


The Trust has a number of students at various UK universities and state educational establishments in the European Union who support and work with the Trust as producers, editors, researchers.



The range of subjects of our videos includes but is not restricted to:   Horticulture; Conservation;    6th. Great Mass Extinction;  Renewable Energy;     Pollution;    Neighbourhood Plans;    Wildlife Corridors;    Animal Rights;    Climate Change;    Rewilding;  Species Decline;     Garden Wildlife;    The Trust Gardens;     Mitigation;     Habitats;     Landscape restoring/protection/wildlife enhancement.      Threats to species.     Individual species/threats/decline.    Damage to migration routes/breeding.      Well being & nature/Housing etc.      Loss/damage of Habitats/special landscapes.    Circular Economy.   Landscape/Environment;    Landscape re-wilding;    Oceans & Waterways ;    Landscape & Economy Impacts;    Guerilla Gardening.



(i) Finished 


1. Stephen Cox Garden (ed.Vito Spikermann/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

2. Secret Garden (Jonas Kerstan/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

3. Garden Wildlife Crusade (Adam Backhouse/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

4. Renewable Energy (Hamza Aamir)

5. Embracing Eden (Aleyna Akkaya/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

6. Water Features in the Trust Garden (Vito Spiekermann/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

7. Neighbourhood Plans (Sara Serpetri/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

8. Arcadia (Keiran Charlton/audio& pics Stephen Cox)

9. A Journey of Statues (Sky Ruddick/audio& pics Stephen Cox)


(ii) In Production

10. Mars Repurposed.

11. Et in Arcadia Ego


(iii) In Preparation

11. Garden Group Visits

12. Paradise Lost

13. Learning Box

14. Water & Chimes

15. Conservation Managers


(iv) Others Proposed

16. Garden Assistant

17. The Landscape: Ideal and Idyll

18. UK Species/Habitats losses/decline

19. Gardening for Wildlife

20. Gardening for Well-Being

21. The Happy Gardener

22. Arcadian Evolution


Our YouTube Channel

The current publicly available videos by the Trust can be viewed at:






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