
Jardí Botànico de Barcelona

During the horticultutal research visit to Spain, Trustees Stephen Ben Cox & Simon G. Kerstan were invited to meet with the director and the agricultural engineer at the Jardí Botànico de Barcelona up on the Juïc Mountain high above the beautuful city Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain.

This unique and impressive horticultural establishment is a 23 hectare site which sits high above Barcelona on the Mountain Juïc with far reaching beautuful views. Nearby are many interesting places including the Historic Botanic Garden, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Joan Miró Foundation, 1992 Olympic Park, Mies van der Rohe 1929  Pavilion, Montjuïc Castle, Jardines de Joan Maragall,

and the Magic Fountain. 


Jardí Botanìco is dedicated to the Mediterranean zonal garden regions of the world: Spain/Mediterranean basin,  California, Australia, South Africa, Chile, North Africa. Each zone being clearly defined for visitors to walk around. Allow plenty of time for your visit to derive full benefit of viewing the collections which comprise a series of landscapes or 'garden rooms'.


The Jardí Botànic has a close relationship with the Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB), a prestigious centre jointly managed by the Barcelona City Council  and the  Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). 


It also participates in Index Seminum (“Seed Index”). Botanical gardens, arboreta, and research institutions world-wide exchange seeds through Index Seminum catalogues. Participating institutions circulate a catalogue of their seeds (of wild or cultivated origin). This increases the collections of botanical gardens around the world. The seed can be used for display, education, research or even ex situ conservation.


The purpose of the Jardí Botànic is to conserve and disseminate collections of Mediterranean plants from around the world. Among its main objectives are: 

•the conservation and documentation of the natural heritage of Catalonia; 

•to promote botanical and naturalist culture; 

•and to promote knowledge of and respect for nature.


2024 is the 25th.Anniversary of the Botanical Garden.


The Stephen Cox Garden Trust was delighted to have had the opportunity to visit this important cultural and research centre and to have established contact with Jardí Botànica de Barcelona to mutual benefit.




The Trust is supporting Calne Heritage & Amenties Organisation Nature Reserve project by pledging approximately 16sq.metres.

They are well above 60% (over 4000 square metres) of their initial aim of creating a nature reserve the same size as an adult football pitch. (a bit like wildlife corridors).

The nature reserve consists of: Garden, Allotment, Bug Hotels / Insect Lodges, Hedgerow, Nesting Boxes, Pond, Window box or containers. The spaces pledged start from 1 square metres all the way up to 1714 square metres, with even the smallest spaces providing a much needed oasis in the sea of tarmac in our built up areas.

Said Tim Havenith:  "I would also like to welcome the Stephen Cox Garden Trust to the Nature Reserve. I am glad to have Stephen and his Trust pledge some of their wildlife-friendly garden space to the project. Our objectives seem to align in many ways and it is my pleasure to share the Trust's latest video with you (Garden Wildlife Crusade)".

Tales of Sustainability

Linda Esche in Germany is an Environmental Project Manager. She has also created  a project which introduces and promotes  
sustainable initiatives worldwide to support their mission & provide inspiration. Ranging from private small-scale initiatives and local organizations, up to large-sale public projects, each project tells a different success story, highlighting the diverse aspects of environmental sustainability.

website>> >  

(Posts about Stephen Cox Garden Trust) 

Bowood House

Bowood House sits within 100 acres of beautifully landscaped ‘Capability’ Brown Parkland and has been home to the Lansdowne family since 1754. 

The Bowood Estate was bought in 1754 by the 1st Earl of Shelburne, his descendants have lived here ever since. Not simply landowners, the Petty-Fitzmaurices have served in public office almost continuously for over 200 years.

Bowood House hosts a wealth of unique art and antiques with many historical treasures. There is also the family Library; the exquisite Chapel (designed by C.R. Cockerell in the early 19th century for the family); the room where Joseph Priestley discovered Oxygen in 1774 (Dr Jan Ingenhousz used this room for further experiments  identifying the process of photosynthesis), the Sculpture Gallery, the Orangery and a range of exhibition rooms.

300 years of wonderful history await the visitor.


Bowood Park and Gardens

Capability Brown Park:

Regarded to be one of his finest examples in the country, with a flowing mix of plantations and sweeping lawns leading down to a winding mile-long lake.

Other features include: the Arboretum, the Cascade, Doric Temple, and Hermits Cave.

The Terrace Gardens

An Italian-inspired garden, providing visitors with a tranquil experience.

Fountains of trickling water are surrounded by colourful formal beds edged with box hedging. The upper and lower terraces are separated by ornamental stone balustrades decorated with urns overflowing with colourful plants.

The Woodland Gardens

A separate attraction on the Bowood Estate, only open for 6 weeks during the flowering season. Covering over 30 acres and over two miles of pathways , this garden is an oasis of bluebells, azaleas, magnolias, and rhododendrons. Considered to be one of the most exciting gardens of its type in the country with over 30 hardy hybrids, which were thought to be extinct.



Ingenieur-und Planungsbüro LANGE Gbr

From 2018 to 2022 this company in Germany generously sponsored the Trust.

It is an expert in landscape architecture/engineering and conservation arenas. such as Landscape architecture.  Biotop-management.

Environmental planning and studies. Urban development and open space planningLand restoration and landscaping.

Water development and hydraulic engineering. Create nationwide management plans for conservation & habitats  in line with Article 6 of the E.U. Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive. Mapping & action planning of:  habitat types, protected biotopes, flora and fauna.  Assessment of habitat types and species. Pipeline planning.

In addition to this they give young students the opportunity to work in the company for several weeks to get a better understanding of what this type of job is all about.

I am grateful to Wolfgang Kerstan whose support for 4 years  enabled several important projects to take place at the Trust and especially enabled students from several countries to come here and study and interact with the local community..



180 Degrees

180 Degrees Consulting Bristol provides socially conscious organizations in Bristol and beyond with high quality consulting services. We work with organizations to develop innovative, practical and sustainable solutions to the challenges they face. We ensure that non-profits and social enterprises committed to education, health, and poverty alleviation can reach their full potential by meeting their demand for high-quality strategic and operational assistance, and in doing so empowering the next generation of social impact leaders.


Lee D'Arcy and the team at Bristol University  180 Degrees Consulting undertook a research consultancy project for our Trust over  several weeks last year and came up with a range of solutions and proposals to help further develop and promote  our Charity.



Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust was founded in 1962, driven by a concern to protect local wildlife and natural habitats. 

Our first nature reserve was Blackmoor Copse, a Site of Special Scientific Interest and one of the most important woods in Wiltshire for butterflies. Today, we manage over 40 nature reserves across the county, including wetland, woodland, meadow and chalk downland habitats  by creating living landscapes across Wiltshire by restoring, reconnecting and recreating wildlife habitats across landscapes for wildlife and people.

We do this by:

  • Protecting, maintaining and enhancing our nature reserves.
  • Increasing the amount of land, rivers and wetlands managed better for wildlife. 
  • Standing up for wildlife and the natural environment
  • Influencing and supporting the development of at least two living landscapes in each of Wiltshire’s distinctive landscape biodiversity areas. 

Nick Self of Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is one of the Trustees of the Stephen Cox Garden Trust.



Stephen Cox Garden Trust (registered charity #1174239)

"PURPOSE of the TRUST:  To offer charitable programmes and projects of education, horticulture, wildlife,  conservation and heritage, for the improvement of human well-being in general based upon the founder's garden, library, writings, teachings and  philosophy and by other means as the Trustees shall from time to time decide."


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