Booking a Group Visit


How to Book  A Group Visit

An exclusive visit- a unique opportunity

Whilst the garden is not open to the public, groups and organizations can book a private visit & a conducted tour of the garden by prior appointment. Availability for visits is very limited across our short opening season  so early booking is advised to avoid disappointment. There is a booking form & information sheet when you enquire. 

The suggested entry donation is £5 per person. The minimum size booking is 10 persons: You will be personally shown around by the creator of the garden Stephen Ben Cox.



A wide variety of private groups find the garden to be of interest and value. They include: Womens Institutes, gardening clubs, art and photography clubs, meditation groups, respite, bereavement,  well-being groups, specialist research organisations, and variety of other organizations & societies, and schools etc.



We gather together in the entrance patio area. When everyone is ready I give a short talk/intro to the garden, its history, philosophy, etc and the work of the Trust A laminated colour map & information sheet is then handed out to each person. We then proceed through the side garden to the first arch (entry to the main gardens) and a small paved area: so I can gather your group together again and give them a short explanation of the "rooms"/themes. I then find that people prefer to be left to their own devices to walk around the garden at their leisure (people often form into their own little groups) rather then be shepherded everywhere! I remain in the garden and walk about to chat to people, answer questions, etc.



Tea/coffee & biscuits or scones (@£3 per person) can be arranged for after you have finished your garden tour. There is seating for up to 40 people in an area of the garden specially reserved for this, so that you can relax and talk about your visit and ask questions. (Refreshments are by arrangement and agreed when booking your visit)



There is a range of plants available for a donation of £3 per pot individually grown in my own small nursery. These include: herbs; grasses; perennial flowers; alpines; pond plants; soft fruit; shrubs.



There are no toilet facilities. Children must be accompanied at all times. Regrettably, no dogs allowed (we have cats). The garden is a no-smoking zone. The ground is uneven in places. The garden is difficult for wheelchair access: but there are lots of places to sit and rest. Photography is allowed only by arrangement. No radios/walkmans etc to be played during visits. All proceeds go to our registered charity (#1174239) to help maintain its work.

To book a visit please send an email to: or fill in the Contact Form below

You will be sent (i) a booking form, (ii) full details of visit structure, (iii) explanatory document about the garden, the charity work of the Trust,  and what to see etc.



Enquiry Form For Group Visit

Visits are carefully monitored and entry is timed after which gates are locked so your visit is uninterrupted. Only those on the group secretary's list may enter.

For full details on how to book and to receive our full vistors information pack and guide please fill in the form below. Thank you.


Note:  due to lack of manpower and financial support to properly maintain the garden to our high standards it might not be possible to arrange a group visit. We are prepared to consider applications for pre-booked group visits (minimum of 8 persons) but this will depend on your group being already familiar with and sympathetic to the difficulties of running a garden such a this.

That being said this garden is unique, and has a wonderful range of vistas, plant collections, features and structures.


Stephen Cox Garden Trust (registered charity #1174239)

"PURPOSE of the TRUST:  To offer charitable programmes and projects of education, horticulture, wildlife,  conservation and heritage, for the improvement of human well-being in general based upon the founder's garden, library, writings, teachings and  philosophy and by other means as the Trustees shall from time to time decide."


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