Welcome to OUR News
Welcome to our News Page . Here you will find items of news, what's happening, projects, the garden, and educational projects, and also feedback from our past students (Alumni). If you'd like to take part in the Blog then please do use the comments form at the bottom of this page (this is monitored).
Or: if you would like to find out anything more about something in the News or would like to get involved and join us, then again use the comments form. Thank you.
March 2024
Francesco from Italy
The Trust was pleased to welcome Francesco ftom Bologna Italy as a 'Workaway' volunteer. He was very helpful getting tree lopping, prining, shaping done which was badly needed, and mamy other thing additional to erecting a new wooden arbour and laying the foundation for it.
He undertook visits to Bath, London, Calne, Bowood House & gardens whilst here and made progress on his Master's degree U.K. university application in maths & philosophy.
February 2024
Isaac from Sweden
The Stephen Cox Garden Trust was pleased to welcome from Isaac from Stockholm Sweden, its latest European residential placement.
He's well acquainted with England as has been here on several visits and also on previous Workaway placement, and also his parents spent their student years in England. He's quite seasoned traveller.
Isaac is a very mellow, friendly, kind anf courteous and focussed. He has already fitted in very well. And during my recent knee replacement surgery he also acted as hospital room companion, which was very welcome, and supervised my safety during the first days at home after surgery.
Isaac spent 2 weeks here but plans to return layer this year.
January 2024
New Remote Students
Via our links with 7 UK universities students can opt to do remote volunteering (research, document writing, video making etc). We have some additional new students who have just come aboard with the Trust. Following video meetings to agree projects these are:
Tingxuan from Southampton University is making video (‘Mars Repurposed’). Production is underway & for imminent release.
Jacob from Bournemouth University is making a video on one of two titles/texts (‘Et In Arcadia Ego’; or ‘The Past Is A Foreign Country’)
Finn from Bath Spa University is researching wolf rewilding in the UK to write a document for us. Other documents will follow.
Natalia from Universities of California & Southampton making a video about American mink and invasive environmental effects of their release.
Tom from Bristol University researching the history, heritage, ecology of badgers and the problem of bovine tb then writing us a document.
January 2024
Revised Programme
What is Available From 2024
Stephen Cox Garden Trust (reg.charity 1174239) has completed a six-year review of what facilities and services it offers. Those facilities (which were voluntarily additional to its charity status & remit) not having been taken up or had inadequate response are now terminated in favour of a focused and cohesive programme for which interest, demand and support has been shown.
As of 2024 this will be:
●Information sheets wildlife & conservation.
●Conservation research.
●E.U. placements.
●Conservation remote posts UK universities.
●Videos: conservation, gardens, art history.
●Book publishing: conservation, gardening, well-being.
●Webinars & lectures
(Appropriate charitable requests for anything in line with its designated remit might will be considered dependent on finances/facilities/manpower/suitability).
December 2024
Tobi from Germany
A school friend of one of our Trustees Simon in Germany (and a friend of Jonas & myself), came over to stay with me for 9 days. We had a great time exploring and chilling. Our day trips included: Dartmoor; Bristol; Bath & Castle Combe; Salisbury; Brean Down Headland & Weston-super-Mare; Tintern Abbey; Chepstow Castle & Abergavenny. + fixes of mocha in Wetherspoons everywhere. Renewed the traditional acquaintance with Sammy's kebab and binged on Clarkson's Farm and Sherlock. Tobi and I stay in touch regularly and we will meet up in Germany in 2024.
October 2023
The quota of butterflies and day flying moths inhabiting the garden has continued to remain a steady and have obviously been attracted to the good range of pollinating plants and safe refuge. Visitors this year included
- White. 2. Brimstone. 3. Comma. 4. Painted Lady. 5. Peacock. 6. Orange Underwing. 7. Holly Blue. 8. Meadow Brown. 9. Hummingbird moth. 10. White Plume moth. 11. Tortoishell. 12. Cinnabar moth. 13. Red Admiral . 14.Small Skipper. 15. Orange tip
There are also many small day-flying moths and little butterflies which I have not yet been able to identify.
Sadly, the Tiger Moth and the Speckled Wood did not make an appearance this year.
Luis from Italy
Luis from Trento in Italy came to stay at the Trust for two weeks August 13-27 . He did some exploring by bike and walking locally. And he also had day trips to Bath, Castle Combe, Bristol and Oxford. He was also able to do some studies and preparation for his university course. He has a great senses of humour and is always positive and a quiet and respectful house guest.. And he was a a great help in the garden with the ongoing job of maintenance. His successor, Tyge from Denmark, arrived the day before so they were able to meet and get to know each and have a night out in town.
A Journey of Statues
In the unusual gardens of the Stephen Garden Trust (a registered charity for horticulture and conservation in England) there are many statues. Throughout history civilisations have erected statues for example to commemorate to founders, healers, creators to help inform and inspire their communities for better living . In the Trust gardens, designed as a suite of rooms with different plant collections and compositions, the statues serve some of these purposes but also others: (1) They act as markers to improve the overall perception of the garden and its rooms & plant collections. (2) They punctuate the landscape and lead the eye through a series of variable visual compositions. (3) They also invite the visitor to journey through the garden to discover its unique qualities and treasures and embrace all that it offers. The statuary collection includes life size stone statues of Graeco-Roman deities, and mythological creatures, and also legendary & literary animals; as well as cats, hares, rabbits, lions and puma. The Trust's founder (Stephen Ben Cox) made the audio clip and created the philosophy and manifesto. And added some of his personal photographs. Sky Ruddick (a student at Bath University UK) joined our UK universities team and edited and put together the video. The wonderful music is by Kevin Macleod.
Editor: Sky Ruddick
Creator/Narrator: Stephen Ben Cox
Music: Kevin Macleod
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffFkmZuPaD4&t=10s
July 2023
Corentin from France
Corentin, from Alsace in France, came for 3 weeks and was a great help in getting things organised in preparation for the visit of our sponsors. And quickly picked up the skills needed for whatever was required.
He used oyr gym, and had daily walks 15 km or more, around the locality. He visited Bristol, Bath, Oxford, Gloucester. Together we went to Castle Combe, Lacock Abbey, Aveburyhenge. And Alix from Belgium joined our trip to Wells. Together they had a day exploring Brean Down headland.
Corentin has a passion for church organ music and is an adept player: he was able to play the village church organ.
July 2023
Alix from Belgium
He came to the Trust for a week in summer 2023 and had accommodation with a nice family in Calne. He got on well with Corentin and thad a day's exploration of the Somerset coast at Brean Down Headland for extensive walking. Alix is a very precise and diligent worker and is always cheerful. Together the three of us also went to Wells Cathedral in Somerset.
13th.July 2023
Maticia Onyuta
Maticia Onyuta, a student at Bournemouth University UK, joined the Trust's project of university student managers researching and writing articles on climate change, wildlife, rewilding, and conservation in January 2023.
From the extensive portfolio of categories and subjects she chose the subject of water and undertook research and writing articles on this. Her completed articles sent to the Trust were:
Upward ecology of water in Gardens.
Flowing water.
We thank Maticia for her dedication to conservation and her help in extending the Trust's material for public education on the subject.
Her articles have now been added to the Trust archives and will also be published on this website.
21st.June 2023
a new video by
Stephen Cox Garden Trust.
Arcadia refers to an ancient Greek vision of pastoral harmony. This remote area of Greece was regarded to have been retaining its perfection from the time of The Golden Age.
Across the ages writers, philosophers, artists have referred to the Arcadia as a vision of aspiration and yearning intimating a better world and living. These included: Friedrich August von Kaulbach, Thomas Eakins, Thomas Coles, Jan van Huysum, Joshua Cristall, Markó Károly, George Lambert, Nicolas Didier Bouget, John Consable, Jan Willem Pieneman, Daniel Dupre, Claude Lorrain , Poussin and others who painted scenes intimating visions of such harmony and peace.
For me Arcadia is man in harmony with nature and the landscape which is a pressing need for humanity in today's world with the imminence of the Sixth Great Mass Extinction, and climate change: looming catastrophes threatening the planet and the survival of homo sapiens sapiens.
I regard it not as looking back but as something we can apply to enhance our civilization and reinvigorate and restore the planet .
This video explains the implications of today's need for balance and harmony and the dangers we face and takes us on a journey exploring the various visions and concepts of Arcadia in previous centuries.
Director/Editor: KEIRAN CHARLTON
Creator/Narrator: STEPHEN BEN COX
Video link:
Winter 2022
Jonas from Germany
Jonas ( younger brother of Simon who was a volunteer here in Spring 2018) stayed here from October to December. He was a great help at a very difficult time. We did 2 major projects together. Jonas is a strong lad, focussed, practical, mellow and good company. He loves his volley ball (he plays in league in Germany) and joined training sessions for 2 clubs here. We had a lot of fun together and had excursions to Avebury, Stonehenge, Weston-super-Mare, Bristol, Bath, Oxford, Weymouth, Castle Combe & Marsfield, Salisbury, Wells & Glastonbury, Cardiff (Wales) and Birmingham. Jonas and I are in regular contact and he will return here for a short stays. We meet up in Germany yearly. And we are having a family holiday to Cornwall and Devon August 2023.
16th.September 2022
Water Features: a Trust YouTube Video
22nd. September 2022
Italian Student
Hailing from Brescia near Milan, Alessio is studying economics at University. For 19 days he assisted the founder in the garden, learning various skills and polishing his English language, and also exploring the heritage and sights of England.
He had many cultural visits. His visits included visiting Wales (Cardiff and Swansea) Aveburyhenge stone circles, Bristol, Bath, and the Somerset coast (Weston-super-Mare and Berrow Beach and Brean Down Headland).
Alessio is very good natured and pleasant and methodical and focussed in his approach to work and study. He's easy to get on with diligent and focused. He also got on very well with Oliver our young student from Spain.
We had great discussions on the Italian Renaissance at Florence and the Medici- especially the works of Sandro Botticelli and who the models may have been. It also resulted in our binging on 2 Netflix seasons of 'Medici'! Sorry you missed out on Season 3 Alessio.
28th.August 2022
Ingenieur-und Planungsbüro LANGE Gbr
The Stephen Cox Garden Trust is most grateful to Wolfgang Kerstan and the Ingenieur-und Planungsbüro LANGE Gbr
company in Germany for their recent most generous donation.
This ensures the recommencement of our international scholarship scheme to enable students from Germany and other countries in the EU to come to Britain for residential study holidays, which also provides aspects of guided tours/excursions to places of historical & cultural significance, participation with regional sporting teams, and involvement with the local community. It also enables them to benefit from specialist English language tuition, as well as their studies in horticulture, conservation and heritage with the Trust.
This donation will also enable various special projects to proceed.
Part of the mission of the Trust is to enhance international friendship, and enrich student opportunities and life experience to improve future citizenship and self improvement.
Although our placements are now fully booked for the rest of 2022, Students from Germany (and across the EU) age 18 to 28 are welcome to contact the Trust and submit an application. to be considered for a placement in 2023.
21st.July 2022
Vito Spikerman first came to the Trust in 2019 sent by his school in Berlin for a 3month placement abroad. From the 12th. to 21st. July this year he returned to us as part of his inter-rail exploration of Europe! Back in 2019 he made the very first film for the Trust thereby launching our YouTube channel. Vito has a passion and natural gift for film making and is very talented. He is going on to study at a university film school in Germany. This year he has been filming here again for another film- this one will be about water features in the Trust gardens. It is anticipated that the film will be published on our YouTube channel later this year.
Additional to this Vito made some more explorations of England undertaking excursions to : Gloucester; Wells, Glastonbury; Aveburyhenge prehistoric stone circles and Newquay (Cornwall).
It was great to see Vito again after 3 years!
05 July 2022
Embracing Eden
Is a new conservation video from the Stephen Cox Garden Trust (registered charity #1174239) urging us to change our ways and save the planet. It outlines a bold philosophy of renewal and hope and lists a manifesto for us humans to re-attune ourselves both for our own survival and to keep our planet viable and beautiful. The need for change and for action is urgent! It sets out 10 vitake and viable principles for an essential re-evaluation of human behaviour, outlook
The Trust's founder (Stephen Ben Cox) created the philosophy (which drive the Trust) and made the audio clip and this particular manifesto for the video. And added some of his personal photographs. Aleyna Akkaya one of the Trusts video editors (studying at Bath University UK) did a splendid job putting together the video. The wonderful music is by Philp Ravenel.
Editor/designer: Aleyna Akkaya.
Creator/writer: Stephen Ben Cox
Music by: Philip Ravenel
You can find the video at:
20th.June 2022
Road Verge Wildflower Meadows
Hannah King (4th.yr biology student at Oxford University) one of our student conservation managers has completed anotherher next article in her chosen category :
Landscape restoring/protection/wildlife enhancement)
Roadside verge wildflower meadows are now an essential element in the wildlife/pollution/climate change crisis. Roads will increase by 60% by 2050 with concommitant increase in pollution, particulates, health problems, serious encroachment and destruction of habitat, loss of water retention, reduction of carbon sinks.
However, if all road verges were sown/managed as wildflower meadows the benefits would spiral in terms of: carbon sinks, human-well being, wildlife corridors, pollution off-set, animal habitats, bee/butterfly sustainability. And more!
Another beautfully illustrated article from Hannah pointing us in the direction of one more creative challenge of hope and survival.
06th. June 2022
Costs of Urbanisation
Tammy Sisodiya is a student at Southampton University and another of our student conservation managers. Her document is about the Costs of Urbanisation.
In it she deals with the problem of urban sprawl and consequent decline of species and habitat. She also assesses the advantages of various mitigating measures some of which are very simple and can be undertaken by taken by people in their own communities.
Whilst it is essential to bring pressure to bear regarding the big issues of conservation, climate change and damage to the environment, it is important to realise that at the local community and even individual invaluable change can begin at the grassroots.
12th. June 2022
Suspension of Some Facilities
Due to insufficient business sponsorship and grants a temporary suspension of several facilities is regretably announced including:
●Private group visits. ●Young unemployed. ●Help for adults with learning difficulties. ●Visits for residents of nursing/retirement homes. ●School visits for projects/study.
●Additionally the garden is closed.
It is not possible to maintain the garden without suitable finance and manpower. These will be relaunched after the renewal programme:
●Re-lay 6 patios. ●Replace lawn turf(132sq.m). ●Out building repairs. ●Replace rotted decking & walls. ●Replace specimen trees, exotic plants, shrubs & perennial flowers. ●Tools. ●Accommodation for student placements.
The Trust continues with its extensive portfolio of facilities to advance education in horticulture & conservation.
It has also just initated new programmes:
●Publishing educational books.
●production and release of educational videos.
●student remote placements in multi media.
●students research on climate change and mass extinction.
1st.June 2022
Finnish Student
We are pleased to welcome to England a student from Finland who will be staying and studying with us for the month of June.
Antton is studying at university in Finland to become a crafts & design teacher. Amongst his interests/hobbies are: running, woodwork & crafts; kayaking; cold water swimming (winter!!).
He will be joining Calne Running Club, and also Bowood Woodcarving Club in Derry Hill.
It's his first time to England. He was very keen to explore and visit as much of southern England as possible.
He undertook many visists around England including Bristol, Bath, Avebury, Weston-super-Mare and Brean Down Headland, Torquay, Brixham, and to Malmesbury Abbey.
28th. March 2022
Renewable Energy: video by Hamza Aamir
Renewable Energy is an inspiring video by Hamza Aamir an aeronautics student at Bath University in the UK. In this wonderful video Hamza explains his work with the Stephen Cox Garden Trust as one of its student conservation managers, his passion for environmentally friendly future aeronautics, and the urgent need for a planetary renewable energy revolution. The video is 5minutes 42seconds.
Creator & narrator: Hamza Aamir
Sponsor: Stephen Cox Garden Trust.
The Trust is in process of creating many videos in the themes of climate change, conservation, habitats, wildlife, rewilding, landscape restoration, animal rights.
Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w-20fmt6Q3g
Channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCkYY9eJhV8SLIY8iVwnKG1Q
21st.March 2022
Wildlife Friendly Spaces
Is the title of a new article for the Trust written by Callista White from the University of the West of England. It highlights the urgent need for householders to make their garden wildlife friendly and the benefits that can bring for our mental heath and general well-being by having wildlife in our gardens. Also the need for supporting wildlife: for example bees pollinate a huge amount of our food sources and without them them we humans would find it hard to survive on the remaining 10% of the food they are not responsible for pollinating!
Calne Nature Reserve
The Trust is pleased to announce that it has linked up with Calne Heritage & Amenties Organisation re its Nature Reserve project. The aim is to create a nature reserve in the town (a bit like wildlife corridors).
They are well above 60% (over 4000 square metres) of their initial aim of creating a nature reserve the same size as an adult football pitch.
The nature reserve consists of the following types of areas: Garden, Allotment, Bug Hotels / Insect Lodges, Hedgerow, Nesting Boxes, Pond, Window box or containers. The spaces pledged start from 1 square metres all the way up to 1714 square metres, with even the smallest of the 45 pledged places providing a much needed oasis in the sea of tarmac we are surrounded with in our built up areas.
Said Tim Havenith: "I would also like to welcome the Stephen Cox Garden Trust to the Nature Reserve. I am glad to have Stephen and his Trust pledge some of their wildlife-friendly garden space to the project. Our objectives seem to align in many ways and it is my pleasure to share the Trust's latest video with you (Garden Wildlife Crusade)".
6th.March 2022
Garden Wildlife Crusade
The Trust's latest video is now published on its YouTube Channel.
It is a clarion call to all householders to re-evaluate the use of their gardens to help stop the dangerous decline of species across Britain and Europe.
It outlines the problems which have caused the catastrophic losses and dangers to wildlife across Europe and the imminence of the 6th Great Mass Extinction caused by humans and the value of humble gardens to help stabilise wildlife populations. It also provides an action list of simple measures to help tackle the crisis.
Editor: Adam Backhouse (Bristol University).
Creator/Narrator: Stephen Ben Cox
Music: by Kevin MacLeod
Trust Website: https://stephencoxgarden.webador.co.uk
Contact: stephencox.gardentrust@gmail.com
Channel link:
18th. January 2022
Summerhouse Refurbishment
The Trust garden library & teaching + study room (10ft x14ft former summerhouse) has just completed it's major refurbishment.
The out-building at the bottom of the garden required extensive works to:
(a) prevent ingress of damp from roof and thus deterioration to structure of building as well as prevention of mould
(b) protection of the library from damage
(c) soundproofing & insulation to make it useable for education (in terms of warmth, suitability, noise reduction,
(d) major strengthening of book shelves to prevent collapse.
The works comprised:
(1) applying glass fibre reinforced sealant to the roof exterior felt.
(2) applying sound rock wool insulation to walls & ceiling.
(3) installing plasterboard sound panels to walls & ceiling
(4) applying lining paper to ceiling and textured paint.
(5) applying textured fabric to walls.
(6) taking down 10 long bookshelves & affixing new heavy duty brackets then reinstalling & putting back 100's books.
(7) replacing some rooted floorboards of verandah.
(8) Provision of 10 folding chairs
(9) Flooring
The works were made possible by a grant from Calne Without Parish Council (via the Sun-Eddison solar farm fund at High Penn)
5th. January 2022
News From Past International Residential Volunteers
DAVIDE (Italy): I moved to a new flat in Stuttgart. My flatmates are so nice! Successfully well into 3rd. semester at Stuttgart university in Germany. I've picked u playing up volley ball again. I visited family in Italy for Christmas.
SIMON (Germany) : Stephen & I had a great time doing trips around Germany and visiting past Workawayers , when he came over in November. I'm now in my 7th Semester at Rhine-Waal university, finishing my thesis for completion of Bachelor degree in February. volley ball. workouts. Austria skiing holiday Christmas.
TITOUAN (France) : I am now learning to drive. I'm improving at school. And now assessing courses & university applications. Had a skiing holiday with my family over Christmas. I'm getting back into my skateboarding.
RENAUD (France) : Study always at Montpelier in French Foreign Language (training to be a teacher to teach foreigners French language).I went to Berlin for a holiday to visit a friend in December.
DAVID (Switzerland) : I continued my studies at ETH Zürich in Chemistry and did some additional classes in environmental chemistry. I have earned Spanish and got a good standard. I got a research Project in an inorganic environmental chemistry research group.
NIK (Germany) : I got comfortable in my new work spaces and role of teaching students. I'm getting along really well with my students at Wuppettal university. I still have problems with sport injuries but getting over them so basketball is going along. Met up with Simon & Stephen in November in Wuppertal for the day
THEO (France) : I graduated my Animation Certification and now I'm teaching animation, besides I continue my studies in Sport. Stephen: being in England, meeting you was one of my greatest experiences and I'm so proud of that!
BASTIEN (Switzerland) : The past three months I was in Roma for Erasmus, It’s a really beautiful city!
If you want to come a weekend you are welcome! I stay there until June.
GIOVANNI (Germany) : At the beginning of December I passed the theoretical part of my plumber exam. The next step is the practical soon. If everything goes right I will be done at the 18th of January. The university is also going well. It was great that we met up in November.
31st December 2021
Jonathan Davydov
From 15th. to 28th. December the Trust was host to Jonathan from Cornell University He was due to stay until the 15th. January but Covid restrictions blocked his next placement (in Germany) and the overall situation made it wiser to return to his family in Brooklyn.
But we managed to get about 45% of the insulation and sound board renovations of the summerhouse done, got out the two dead cherry trees and summerhouse roof sealant. He managed some good excursions: Bath, Bristol, Lacock Abbey & village, Aveburyhenge, Salisbury and… Stonehenge for the sunrise on the Winter Solstice! The stay was rounded off with Christmas Eve carols at Bowood House, and traditional Christmas Day lunch with the Boyd Family.
07th. December 2021
New Conservation Appointments
The roles of Conservation Managers are remote placements for university students to research and write documents on over 300 topics including: conservation/wildlife/climate change/pollution/rewilding/extinction. Our latest appointments are:
Calista White currently studying wildlife conservation at the University of the West of England, nr Bristol. She will be helping with: "Habitats and wildlife, and Wildlife/environment."
Hannah King a 4th-year student at Oxford University studying for an integrated Masters of Biology, focused on ecology and conservation. She will be helping with: "Landscape restoring/protection/wildlife enhancement"
In 2021 over 100 applications have been received and 15 appointments made. Some of their documents can be seen on our website. Universities currently participating are: Bath; Bristol; Oxford; Southampton;; West of England; Bath Spa.
Applications are welcome from students at any university world-wide.
17th. November 2021
Tales of Sustainability
TALES OF SUSTAINABILITY Healing & community greening.
Vol 2UK| Ch.1 Stephen Cox Charity Garden: The Idea https://lnkd.in/dr2-TpA8
(An international project created by Linda Esche in Germany to promote healing, green initiatives, and sustainability have added our Trust to their portfolio). This is their first post on our Trust:
"Welcome to the Stephen Cox Garden Trust. When a few years back, the founder Stephen, was in search of a new place, he found a lovely new home in the rural areas of Wiltshire, England and next to this home an approx. 2023m2 (half an acre) large empty field. Rediscovering his love for gardening (having worked as an artist before), working with the plot soon became a new mission. A mission to turn this place into a wonderful garden, and thus contribute to greening the community, helping various species to survive and providing everyone with a place where they can embrace tranquility, finding back to nature. So one of the main ideas behind this project is to advance education in the subjects of horticulture and conservation in particular but not exclusively by providing study courses, training placements and workshops. At the same time, the place is dedicated to prioritize the well-being of various species that found a new home in the garden. That does not only include providing a habitat but also minimizing disturbances, e.g. through certain visitor rules. When birds drink from one of the many water sources, for example, people are asked to stop and wait until the birds are finished before they can continue walking".
Stay tuned for more. Contact me, Linda Esche, if you have any questions or want to know more details.
11th. October 2021
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Stephen Cox Garden Trust (registered charity number 1174239) is being held on Sunday 17th. October 2021 at 11am. The international event will take place by private on-line invitation by video link.
All Trustees have now received:
1. Agenda.
2. Proxy Voting Form.
3. Minutes of the AGM 202o.
4. Trustees Annual Report.
5. Charity Commission Annual Report.
6. Charity Commission Annual Accounts.
21st.September 2021
Hamza Aamir
Hamza is a second year aeronautics engineering student at Bath University and another of our Student Conservation Managers. He came onboard to research and write about Category B =RENEWABLES ENERGY. He has just submitted two documents:
1. Solar Energy,
2. Wind Energy.
Renewables is in a quantum shift of innovation, development and production as we speak. Some developments which might be a game changer are: (i) airborne (sky) floating wind turbines (meaning they can be deployed/moved to where the wind is strongest), (ii) vertical bladeless wind turbines (energy is produced as they vibrate and wave) (ii)airborne (sky) floating solar energy farms, and tree-based wind energy. Fascinating stuff! Additional of course to the immediate necessity to cover all car parks with solar power stands. Solar bicycle lanes down the middle of motorway is another innovation for the future (cyclists shielded from traffic by solar screens). The future is bright - the future is renewable!
15th. September 2021
Juliet Colledge
Juliet is a biology student at Bath University and another of our Student Manager, and opted for the Wildlife/Habitats category, her chosen subject being: ANIMAL HOMES. She is very keen on the domestic wildlife aspects of our Trust and how individuals can make a difference to the overall picture for survival: domestic gardens are a invaluable resource for wildlife and the corridors across the land make a vital contribution to feeding and survival. The guides that Juliet has created are easy to follow . They are also great for youngsters to try their hand at making things, and learn how to help wildlife. Documents written so far are:
1. How to make a Bug Hotel.
2. How to Make a Bird Box.
3. How to make a Hedgehog House
4. How to build a Toad House
The guides are easy to follow and well illustrated.
11th. September 2021
Anna Penman
The Trust created two projects for university students: one for Conservation, the other for Wildlife & Habitats. (see the Students Managers page) One of the students who applied and was accepted was Anna Penman, a biology student at Bath University. She signed up as a research/article writing manager for the Conservation project and her chosen field/category is REWILDING. Anna has now completed here current managerial role period. Her articles on rewilding are:
1. Red Squirrels.
2 Beavers.
3. White Tailed Eagle.
4. Rewilding: How and Why.
Her articles are highly readable and delightfully illustrated. The Trust will be created a website in due course where all the articles will appear.
August 2021
The Woodland
Constrictions on time and manpower over the past two years due the pandemic had called a halt to the development of the emergent woodland, at the far bottom of the garden (looking east). Although planted up with a fine variety of specimen trees (coniferous and deciduous) and shrubs, it had lost its way. The large slate fountain had also become lost in undergrowth. During his 2 week visit to England (part of which was used by an exploration of the Lake District) our German Trustee Simon Kerstan spent some time (after intensive block seminars) to completely clear and organise this area. All trees and shrubs are now clearly standing out. Additionally land has been prepared for a wide ribbon of wildflower meadow along the wood fence, and a edging of perennial flowering shrubs in pots has been created. The arbour has been reorganised. The area is being finished off with a wooden table and 6 chairs. (in time when finances are forthcoming we hope to have bee-hives here also). Out thanks to Simon for his terrific work.
July 2021
University Student Media Managers
Another student managers post (this being the 3rd such managerial role) has been advertised with 5 UK universities. This is for managers to help with social media platforms, promotion, internet. Each manager will take responsibility for one of the following:
(i) Website design. (ii) YouTube channel. (iii) Social media promotion : Instagram profile.
(iv) Social media promotion : LinkedIn profile. (v) Photography. (vi) Video about the garden. (vi). Video about the Trust. (vii) Podcasts. (vii) Video about our conservation projects.
(ix) Webinars. (x) Foreign universities promo re volunteering/study holidays/college internships etc
Several applications have already been received and one appointment has been made (Manager for Instagram NGO profile).
If you would like to get involved with the project to help the Trust whilst developing your own skills and enhance your C.V. then we look forward to hearing from you.

June 2021
Student Garden Room
A new building has been erected outside the rear of the kitchen. It is 7’ x 5’ and has a desk, Wi-Fi, day-bed, bookshelves, window blinds, soft rubber flooring, easy chair, radio, ceiling light and desk light and fan.
And a collection of books on garden design and landscaping.
It provides an entirely private room for the residential student and volunteer student/volunteer to study in since the bedroom does not offer much space for this.
It offers a space for the student to engage in private work such as university or job applications, meditation, reflection, some quiet time. It has a special atmosphere. And also a superb view right across the garden.
Create Your Own Website With Webador