Enquiries and Applications

Make an enquiry or an application here for one of our resources/services/facilities


Here you can make enquiry about the Trust. For example:

  • if you would like more details about some aspect of our charity work.
  • Wish yo make an offer of help or the supply of items/stock (e.g. books, plants, tools, transport, accommodation).
  • Or make an application for one of our resources/services/or study placement.
  • If you are a business and want to help  with sponsorship (there are arrangements by HMRC for companies donating/sponsoring registered charities to reduce tax liability on profits) 

A drop down menu is now being created with dedicated pages to guide you to the information/enquiry form you need to m ake an enquiry or an application. These will include: 


1. Host Families. (ready)

2. Special Needs Education. (ready)

3. Student Managers. (ready)

4. International residential placements. (ready)

5. Nursing home/elderly visits.

6. Young unemployed/skill learning.

7. Volunteering/project skills

8. Businesses

9. School/colleges/NGOs


Please note all enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence


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