
Students, volunteers, associates, visitors, and other bodies are advised to please take note of the following:


  • The garden is private and is not open to the public.  The Trust and the Garden is not a business and is strictly not-for-profit. It is a charity for the public good as defined by Charity Law in England and Wales. However in the interest of education and public benefit and to help enable others appreciate its work Stephen Ben Cox invites schools/gardening clubs/w.i's and other groups to arrange a private tour of his garden by prior appointment.


  • The Trust is unfunded except for donations. All income is used entirely to support the work and goals of the Trust. Stephen Ben Cox, the Trustees and Volunteers work unpaid. The Trust is seeking business sponsors to support the goals and activities of the Trust. Individual donations are also gratefully received.


  • Any opportunity, event, facility or activity listed is philanthropic and offered in a private capacity in a spirit of good will for the benefit and enrichment of society. No project or activity or anything published on this website grants any rights or assumptions of private access, or any other rights to either property or possession thereon or therein.


  • All visitors, volunteers, students, etc assume full personal responsibility for any accident/injury/ damage/loss to themselves or their possessions. No claims will be accepted. Visitors should take note with regards to such things as: uneven ground, spiky/thorny plants, deep water, loose rocks & walling, slippery paving etc.


  • Students and volunteers must accept all our guides/terms produced for their well-being, health and safety. This includes Risk Assessment, Health and Safety, Well being, etc . Additionally foreign residential student must also read and agree to documents on protocols/standards/guidance.




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