Books & Videos

As part of the ongoing work of its mission for the advancement of education in  horticulture and conservation  the Trust is engaged in the research, development, creation and publishing/dissemination in various media.

This are all for public benefit and welfare. This includes:

Research documents

This is undertake by means of our student volunteers (currently from 6 UK universities)  who are undertaking research and producing documents on conservation, wildlife, climate change and other subjects.


The founder is engaged in writing many books on a range of subjects including:

gardening, wildlife, conservation, well-being, philosophy . This are to be published as E-books via our publisher in Germany.

Books by the Trust


The Trust now has a YouTube Channel and it here that the videos produced by the Trust are released.

The YouTube Channel are be found at:

There are a wide range of videos on the channel which will include :

the Trust Gardens; Conservation; Climate Change; the Founders Philosophy; How To Guides;  Wildlife;  and much more

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