

1. Staffing:

a) The Trust will have no paid staff. It will have unpaid volunteers, students helpers, members.

2. Running/Responsibility:

Stephen Ben Cox has full responsibility/authority for the day to day running of the Trust in respect of Garden, Library, Art works, education.

3. Business:

The Trust is strictly non-commercial, will not engage in any share dealing, or business activity . Except in so far as funds may be raised by various means as stated. All funds to be used exclusively for the goals as outlined in its Deed/Constitutional Document.

4. Finances.

a) All funds received shall be placed in the bank account.

b) Stephen Ben Cox is the sole signatory (subject to any limitations set by the Board).

c) A report is produced quarterly for Trustees.

d) Trustees may see a copy of current bank statements at any time. 

e) The Trust will not: have an overdraft, accrue debt, borrow, overspend.

5. Friends/Subscribers

a) The Friends/subscribers of the Trust ('associate members') may have responsibility for such matters as visits; events; lectures; picnic; local nature audit.

b) Annual fee shall be nominal e.g. £10. (£5 students/or under 18).

c) There will be an AGM of the Trust & Friends (preceded by Trustees meeting).

6. Independence

a) The Trust is strictly non political/non religious and shall have no dealings/association/ links/membership thereto. 

a2) Neither may it become a part of another organisation. 

b) Neither it or its assets can be bought, sold, broken up by anyone else except with regards to copies of writings, art work etc.

c) It will not act as an agent or representative for any other body.

d) Neither Trustees nor Friends shall have the authority to speak on behalf of or represent the Trust except by prior agreement with Stephen Ben Cox.

e) No other person or persons may set up branches or subsidiaries in the name of the Trust or claim authorisation thereto.

Board of Trustees


The  Board helps ensure the Trust's principles are maintained, and help protect and promote its interests.  Trustees can help organise specific aspects of the Trust in a voluntarily if they wish. The role is voluntary and has no financial or other liability.

Rules of Trustees Board

1. There will be a minimum of one meeting per year.

2. The Trustees do not have to deal with day to day running of the Trust. 

3. This is devolved to the Founder Trustee (CEO/Managing Trustee) who manages the Trust with the support of occsssional volunteers and students.

4. The Trustees can help on projects/events if they so wish.

5. Trustees have opted for the condition whereby there is no  financial liability at all for Trustees  (as per the Charity Commission option in the foundation model for Charitable Incorporated Organisation).

6. Trustees do not receive a salary.

7. A Trustee should declare at a meeting any personal interest which might conflict with his/her neutrality on any particular vote.

8. A Trustee unable to attend a meeting can designate a Trustee to vote for him and can send his views which must be read at the meeting, noted & taken cognisance of.

9. A Trustee must be of the minimum age of 16 (as per C.I.O. regulations).

10. There will be at least one young peoples Trustee(s). [at present there are 3 as per our ethos to give young people responsibility and a stake in society]

11. Trustees may co-opt to their number a temporary additional Trustee with no voting rights but appointed for a limited purpose (e.g. specialist advice during a project).

12. Any Trustee can call for an emergency meeting of the Board.

13. Trustees may view the bank statements and accounts at any time during the year.

14. Trustees will receive a report quarterly of the activities/progress of Trust.

15. The Trustees may set a financial limit on the Managing Trustee for any cheques/ transactions etc requiring only one signature.

16. The Trustees should note and approve in the interests of security and good governance the CEO's quarterly Report.

17.Trustees may call for the Managing Trustee(CEO) to give explanation on any matter which they feel requires consideration or further detail.

Vacancies on the Trustees Board.

There are 7 Trustees at present. There are currently  3 young people age 18-28 on the Board.

18. There can be created the roles of Honourary Trustees and an Honourary President.




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