Gardening Education


Teaching/education mainly operates  via:

(i) Remotely via our connection with UK universities.

(ii) In person via our placements in thecUK for adult (18-30) E.U. students 

(iii) Studies, excursions, field trips in Germany for German colleagues and students. 

(iv) Books, videos, webinars etc

(v) Occassionally volunteering places are available  for UK residents

The main categories of these are:



Landscape design.

Garden crafts & diy.

Wildlife & Environment

"My garden is a place of learning for me and for others. A teacher/gardener/writer after all is there to pass on his/her acquired knowledge to others and I believe a garden is also there for sharing and learning for others. The gardener can also be enriched by the sharing process."



●Study room.

●Greenhouse & Nursery.

●Tools/equipment/gloves/knee-pads/visors & protective items.

●Printed/detailed syllabus/guide for each programme/opportunity.


Procedural Notes 

(i) All programmes take place at different times/days. Thus students from different agencies do not overlap .

(ii) All programmes take place under our strict guideline regardng:   Risk Assessments; Code of Conduct; Health & Safety;  Student Welfare; Accidents, and other safeguarding/ care procedures. Students confirm their receipt of hard copy of all documents.  

(iii) All students are given a full induction covering:  risks, health &  safety, protective items, best practice, etc.


The Library is based on the personal collections of the Founder. It consists of several thousand books plus manuscripts. The subjects categories include:

Horticulture, Conservation;  Art & Architecture;  Landscaping Design;  Wildllfe;  Great Gardens and Great Gardeners;   Heritage;  Ecology;  Dartmoor;  

The Library is private and not open to the general public. It is a reference and not a lending library. However individual students and scholars are welcome to enquire about being allowed to undertake private research in the library.


1. General Horticulture

Gardening/ Horticulture/ Landscaping/Landscape. The teaching & skills imparted generally follows the pattern of RHS Levels 1 & 2 and some aspects of Level 3.

  1. Maintenance/weeding. 
  2. Pruning (shrubs/trees etc).
  3. Sowing seeds & nurturing them.
  4. Bringing on seedlings.
  5. Potting-on tiny plants into bigger pots to bring to maturity.
  6. Planting out new plants grown from seed.
  7. Hedge trimming & shaping.
  8. Dead-heading.
  9. Lawn care/ spiking/weeding/fertilising etc.
  10. Lawn cutting.
  11. Helping to maintain/archive the Library.
  12. Digging & raking.
  13. Composting.
  14. Keeping paths swept and paving slabs etc edges trimmed.
  15. Keeping lawn edges trimmed.
  16. Helping to maintain wildlife records.
  17. Studying wildlife.
  18. Studying gardening.
  19. Tending flowers, vegetables, fruit, shrubs, trees.
  20. Brick walls.
  21. Sealing
  22. Cleaning fountains
  23. Removing debris/leaves from all areas of the garden as necessary.
  24. Raking the sand (beach) to keep its appearance.
  25. Cleaning garden solar lights, garden tables, etc.

2. Arboriculture

The activities of this Placement include:

1. Pruning & shaping.

2. Taking cuttings of trees, shrubs, fruit bushes and nursing them through to development.

3. Feeding & mulching

4. Weekly care & maintenance.

5. Transplanting.

6. Checking for blight, diseases.

7. General health care.

There is an extensive library available on a wide range of horticulture and aboriculture topics.

Range of species include:

Collection of 18 varieties of Acers. Collection of 56 varieties of dwarf Conifers.

Several other single-item species incl. English Oak, Red Oak, Sessile Oak, Holmes Oak, Larch, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Walnut, Photinia, Magnolia, Privet, Lime, Eucalyptus, Cherry, Apple, Plum, Pear, Fig, Beech, Elm, Guelder, Yew, Sycamore, Leylandii, Laurel, Hibiscus, Juniper, Olive, Lilac, Cottoneaster, Holly, Fraser Fir,  Nordman Fir, Douglas Fir, Noble Fir, Bay, Scots Pine, Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce,  Italian Cypress, Tree Fern. 

Most of the latter single item species are growing in a specially created wildlife and wildflower woodland area which in its very early stages.

There are also over 60 large shrubs  to be maintained.

3. Art & Design & Landscaping

The student studies and works in the following skills/subjects:

  1. Mixing paint colours.
  2. Colour theory.
  3. Landscape & garden design.
  4. Plant colours/collections/design.
  5. Statues & sculpture.
  6. Repaint furniture, sheds, summerhouse, gym, arbours, pergolas, arches in specially mixed colours.
  7. Decorative detailing to above.
  8. Special painted effects to slabs/patios.
  9. Photo compositions of garden.
  10. Videos of garden.
  11. Height & perspective effects.
  12. Shape/form & sculptural effects plants & framing effects.
  13. Constructing rooms & themes
  14. Ancient Greek/Roman sculpture/statuary.
  15. Landscape painters/schools/traditions.
  16. Use of brick/stone & walls for creating form and marking off rooms.
  17. Re-organising garden landscape, constructing new features, building & maintenance.

4. Painting & Decorating/Crafts/DIY

In the subject/career range of: Crafts; Painting & Decorating; Building;  DIY; Landscaping.

  1. Help maintain wooden arches, pergolas, statues, bench arbours, patios, outbuildings, patios, summerhouse, fountains, tubs and planters.
  2. Opportunity for artistic input adding decorative detail if the volunteer wishes.
  3. Helping to maintain bathing pool and fully equipped gym
  4. Students can create their own additions to the garden if they have an idea to explore.
  5. We mix our own colours from 20litre drums so you will also learn all about colour.
  6. Principles of painting and decorating incl. preparing wood, how to paint etc.
  7. Brush & tool maintenance.
  8. Sealant and protective  treatments of statues etc.
  9. Cleaning and protective treatments of slabs/paving/paths/walls and, block paving.
  10. Basic principle of using cement/mortar; rendering; pointing.
  11. Basics of brick bonds (styles of brick laying patterns).

All outbuildings (potting shed, summerhouse, gymnasium, bike shed, pool changing room) and arches etc are of wood and require annual repainting. Patios are of wood, stone paving. Statues are stone.  Paths are either stone or block paving.


5. Wildlife & Environment

Suitable for someone interested in wildlife, conservation and the environment. Students in courses linked to such subjects as Geography, Planning, Environmental Studies, Conservation & Wildlife, Surveying etc might also find useful.

Activities include:

1. Undertaking wildlife audits of garden.

2. Assessing & improving habitats.

3. Design wildlife workshops & projects for local youngsters.

4. Research improvements for habitat & planting to help wildlife.

5. Maintaining shelters/feeders/ habitats for various creatures.

6. Researching requirements to attract more wildlife.

7. Assessing Neighbourhood Plan impact/improvement to the local environment/wildlife & to the garden.

8. Improve environmental & visual comprehension.

Student  Enquiry Form

If you are interested in getting involved any of the subjects or opportunities above as a student (or volunteer) then just drop us an enquiry via the form below telling us something about yourself and interests and we'll get back to you.

(Volunteering is only available to UK citizens)

Stephen Cox Garden Trust (registered charity #1174239)

"PURPOSE of the TRUST:  To offer charitable programmes and projects of education, horticulture, wildlife,  conservation and heritage, for the improvement of human well-being in general based upon the founder's garden, library, writings, teachings and  philosophy and by other means as the Trustees shall from time to time decide."
