Animal Rights


The Imperative For Homo Sapiens

As the dominant species on planet Earth we have the duty, indeed the evolutionary imperative, to protect, cherish,  respect and enhance wildlife and nature

If our own evolution is to mean anything then we must seek to become "gods in the making" and the only credible first step is to be a meaningful steward  and guardian to all wildlife, nature, ecological systems and the environment.

Until now I have had grave doubts that as a species we deserve this planet, and whether it might be better off without us. Thankfully some members of my species are proving me wrong.


U.K. Law For Animal Sentience

Vertebrate animals will be recognised as sentient beings for the first time in UK law thanks to the introduction of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, introduced in Parliament today (06 September 2021)

The legislation will also ensure that animal sentience is taken into account when developing policy across Government through the creation of a Animal Sentience Committee which will be made up of animal experts from within the field.

By enshrining sentience in domestic law in this way, any new legislation will have to take into account the fact that animals can experience feelings such as pain or joy. The Bill will underpin the Government’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare, which launched yesterday and sets out the government’s plans to improve standards and eradicate cruel practices for animals both domestically and internationally.


A Declaration of Non-Human Rights

For some years I have been moving towards a way of life that grants other creatures status as non-human persons.

We, of the species Homo Sapiens, in our intelligence and evolution must finally recognise the duty we have, as the dominant species,  to other intelligent species/creatures.

In my garden all mammals and birds etc are treated as non-human persons.They are given the same respect, protection, love and dignity I wish to be given myself. This must include at the barest minimum the following:

1. Freedom from detention/ imprisonment/confinement.

2. Right to life and liberty.

3. Right to a family life.

4. Freedom from persecution /torture/mistreatment/servitude.

5. Freedom from hunting and trapping. 

6. Right to eat and find sustenance in peace without human disturbance.

7. Right to a safe and natural habitat.

8. The right not to be removed from their natural environment.

9. Freedom from control, exploitation and enforced training for commercial and other gain.

10. Freedom from experimentation.

11. To be treated with care, respect, and dignity and afforded protection and help by all members of the dominant planetary species homo sapiens.

I urge all my friends to make such a Declaration and commit to a way of living in this regard.




Stephen Cox Garden Trust (registered charity #1174239)

"PURPOSE of the TRUST:  To offer charitable programmes and projects of education, horticulture, wildlife,  conservation and heritage, for the improvement of human well-being in general based upon the founder's garden, library, writings, teachings and  philosophy and by other means as the Trustees shall from time to time decide."
