

Educational Opportunities- Introduction


"I was fortunate in my younger years to have individuals who encouraged and inspired me in my passion for knowledge. Later I became a teacher. Even when I was a professional and exhibiting artist I took on students/apprentices, and gave public lectures as part of exhibition launches.

So it continues today. For my garden is a place of learning for me and for others. A teacher after all is there to pass on his acquired knowledge to others and I believe a garden is also there for sharing and learning for others. The gardener can also be enriched by the teaching and sharing process."

The purpose of the Trust is the advancement of education in horticulture and conservation.It does this in a number of ways incldung but not limited to placements/studies/activities for:

  • International students (residential placements).
  • Internships.
  • Research posts for UK and EU university students.
  • Foreign schools/college links
  • Internet media, websites, publishing
  • Making videos: climate change/conservation/wildlife
  • Mentoring
  • Research
  • Specialist Library for local students
  • Education in horticulture and conservation
  • Information sheets on wildlife and  conservation
  • Habitat & wildlife student manager posts.
  • Conservation manager posts & studies for students at 6 UK universities.
  • Links with ngo's/education establishments/ conservation bodies/renewable energy business.

These are the essential provisions currently  fulfilling the Trust's ethos and mission. Tap the links below to go to each detailed page.


Videos on horticulture & conservation

Internet media, websites, publishing

Horticulture Education

Conservation Education

Student Managers

Foreign Students



Young Unemployed

Special Education

Tertiary/Years 12-13



Until 2022 additional & optional opportunities were created. These included: 

  • Access for schools for group projects/studies

  • Local wildlife audits 

  • Visits for residents of nursing & retirement homes.

  • Community projects

  • Placements for first time young offenders

  • Those with learning difficulties /autism etc (under supervision with their carers)  

  • Provision for the young unemployed

  • Visits for bereavement groups

These have now been suspended until further notice due to lack of finances/sponsorship/grants/manpower


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